Amo-te meu Bálsamo 13
In 2017 and 2018, I endured a profound longing for my son every single day following a painful divorce. In the midst of that heartache, I made a decision that would leave a permanent mark on my soul: I chose to create a symbol, one that would eventually become my first and only tattoo. The number 13 had always held a significant presence in my life, even before my son was born on April 13, 2013.
The word "Bálsamo," meaning balm, perfectly encapsulates the solace I felt upon reuniting with him after twelve agonizing days apart. It was as if a divine balm washed over my soul every time I beheld his smile on the horizon once more. The tattoo's design intentionally weaves the numbers 13 into a form that can also be read as the letter B—B for balm, and B for Barcelona, the city where these profoundly meaningful moments unfolded.
Image of the logo Balsamo 13 in negative monochrome.  This is an image related to a project inside Pedro Rodrigues (Treze413) graphic design portfolio.

Monochrome negative version of the logo Bálsamo 13. Águas Santas, Portugal. 2018 © Pedro Rodrigues

Image of the logo Balsamo 13 in positive monochrome.  This is an image related to a project inside Pedro Rodrigues (Treze413) graphic design portfolio.

Monochrome positive version of the logo Bálsamo 13. Águas Santas, Portugal. 2018 © Pedro Rodrigues

Image of the logo Balsamo 13 in colors purple and light blue.  This is an image related to a project inside Pedro Rodrigues (Treze413) graphic design portfolio.

Color version of the logo Bálsamo 13. Águas Santas, Portugal. 2018 © Pedro Rodrigues

Image of the logo Balsamo 13 tattooed in the right arm of Pedro Rodrigues.  This is an image related to a project inside Pedro Rodrigues (Treze413) graphic design portfolio.
The Bálsamo 13 tattoo was done at Spider Tattoos studio in Porto, Portugal. 2018 © Pedro Rodrigues

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